Cochlear Germany lead by new manager

You can read this article in German.

The team at Cochlear Germany has a new leader now. At the beginning of the year, Frank Wagner (51) took over the position of Regional Director at the German subsidiary of the world market leader for hearing implants. Frank Wagner has many years of experience in senior management and is a proven expert in the German and international markets for hearing aids, cochlear implants (CI) and other implantable hearing solutions.

After completing a master’s degree in electrical engineering, Frank Wagner began his professional career in 1996 at Siemens Audiologische Technik (SAT), where the graduate engineer held management positions. In 2009, he then moved to Siemens Audiology in Singapore. Subsequently, Frank Wagner was responsible for the company’s entire global product development and, from 2014, served as CEO at the global headquarters in Singapore and Senior Vice President Operation of Siemens Audiology and Sivantos, respectively. Finally, in 2018, his path led him to Cochlear Ltd. in Sydney, where he was responsible for global product development as well as global system engineering as Vice President Implants and Systems for the past three years.

Effective January 1, 2021, Frank Wagner has now assumed the position of Regional Director of Cochlear Germany. „At Cochlear, we are committed every day to ensuring the best possible hearing and full participation for hearing-impaired people with pioneering technological solutions as well as excellent lifelong service,“ said Frank Wagner. „In doing so, we rely on close and trusting cooperation with clinics, doctors and audiologists, hearing care professionals, therapists or even representatives of self-help groups. The German market for audiological products is one of the most developed in the world. Working here together with a strong team for the benefit of hearing-impaired people and their families, providing the best care and at the same time maintaining our market position – all this is an extremely exciting task for me, and one that I am very much looking forward to.“

Tags: Cochlea-Implantat, Cochlear

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